
4,019 bytes added ,  15:40, 6 May 2010
New page: The following Q&A is from the official [ HDTA Facebook Page] '''HTDA:''' :We're experimenting with Facebook's ability to host...
The following Q&A is from the official [ HDTA Facebook Page]

:We're experimenting with Facebook's ability to host a Q&A type scenario here. If you have a question, post it here and we will check in from time to time (and MAY even answer some!)

'''Luke Norton: '''
:are there any plans for a physical release of the single and/ or e.p.?

'''TR: '''
:''yes for EP, no for single''


'''Joel Sanderson:'''
:Are there plans for touring?
:This EP is the results of early collaboration. We were going to use all of 2010 to experiment and gestate but liked the early results and decided to share them. Next up is a full LP (tent. early 2011) and then MAYBE some degree of touring.


'''Eliot Jenkins:'''
:TR: it's obvious that you've wanted to put nine inch nails on hold for a while and try some other things. so, for you, how is this different from nine inch nails (besides the obvious: a different vocalist, a more collaborative work, etc.)? what do you feel you can do now with this band that you couldn't do with nine inch nails?
:As stated above, this EP is a very early phase of this project. Yes, it sounds more NIN-ish than I believe it will as we progress. To me, HTDA frees me from some of the constraints I've begun to feel (primarily emotionally) in NIN. NIN is not dead and I am about to work on some material that I believe will be quite different than previous NIN very soon.


'''Joanne Greenwood: '''
:Any plans for a uk download of drowning

:A Drowning should be available on Amazon's UK site. The download will also be available on numerous other download sites, including iTunes worldwide, Zune, Napster, etc, in the coming days. It's been submitted, but exactly when it appears in these stores is out of our hands. Amazon US & UK were simply the first ones to add it.


'''Alun Phillips:'''
:UK Tour?, Is Atticuss a band member or a collaborator? and How deep is the Coil connection ( Read somewhere that Peter Christopherson may be a member), is it just the name?

:The band at the moment is Mariqueen, Atticus and myself. Peter is an old friend and collaborator. I obviously ran the name choice by him first and we've discussed him contributing to the upcoming material in one form or another.
Tour question answered above.


'''Robert Duff:'''
:Are the earlier sample/teaser noises from the website going to be released or preserved in any way?

:this will become clear soon.

'''Melissa Salazar:'''
:Is the writing just as collaborative as the music?
:Please, tell us- just how seperate our we to consider NIN from How to Destroy Angels?
:Are you striving to make HDH have a musical identity of it's own? With it's own fan base? Own agenda? Own vision?
:Are you expecting (for lack of a better word) NIN fans to recieve HDH well? To appreciate and respect HDH while still loving NIN?

:whoa... what??


'''Jeff Davis:'''
:One of the synthlines in the teaser videos sounds similar to 'Computer Love' by Kraftwerk/'Talk' by Coldplay. Is this indicative of a cover, an homage, or was it unintentional?

:Yes to the Kraftwerk influence / nod but please don't remind me of the Coldplay abomination.


'''Ollie Nedwell:'''
:Apparently there are only two 'Swarmatrons' in existence. It sounds excellent on the very first video you released (nice work Mariqueen, unless Trent got back into black nail varnish... ).
:I was wondering if you were given it as a present or whether you purchased one?
:Trent: Does the instrument feature on Ghosts 20 III by any chance?

:For those of you interested in the green thing Mariqueen is playing:

:I bought this from Big City Music and it's been a pleasant surprise in terms of usability and sound. We didn't use it on Ghosts because I only learned of it's existence a few months ago. Next Ghosts, for sure.