
Joined 23 March 2007
1,303 bytes added ,  00:36, 29 April 2007
==Please Excuse The Above...==
...My friend decided to mess with my page while he was at my house. He asked me not to delete it, as a sign of "good friendship" or some shit. Either way, let's introduce Electric.
First off, my name is Eric. I'm a multi instrumentalist (I can play Guitar, Piano, Bass, and Drums quite fluently, except the last two, I'm still beginning on those). I've been following the Year Zero story for maybe two months, and I've been very deep in it, exploring every possiblity.
I am loud-mouthed. I talk a lot. I have a booming laugh. My favorite band is Breaking Benjamin (Nine Inch Nails is basically 3rd). I the best I can play on guitar can play Stairway to Heaven by Led Zep , and best on piano is play Driven Under by Seether (it's very touching when you hear it like that), A Different Kind Of Pain by Cold, or Hurt by Johnny Cash. I can best play White Room by Cream on Drums, and several songs on Bass.
Now, leave a comment. We could be friends. I'm very easy to get along with. And I'm desperate for comments, haha. I have several places where you can friend request me:
I have a facebook (link coming soon)
And I have a myspace (myspace.com/electric7)
So enjoy yourself, and remember to have a plan. You never know when the Prescence or Capital G will show up.
