
no edit summary
[[Nine Inch Nails]] played at the Blaisedell Blaisdell Arena in Honolulu, Hawaii, on September 18, 2007as part of the [[Performance 2007]] tour. Local band Swampa_ZZ was the opening act.
*This was the last NIN show with [[Aaron North]] and [[Jeordie White]].
[[Trent Reznor]] related an amusing anecdote about the first time NIN came to Hawaii:
"The only thing I remember about playing here last time, was it was the first time that any of us had been to Hawaii before, and we thought we were going to go into the ocean and do the whole Hawaiian thing. It was about 60 degrees, maybe. Overcast. Five of the whitest, skinniest guys in combat boots , on the beach, shivering, standing waist-deep in the water, saying, 'This sucks!'" 
*'''[[Alessandro Cortini]]:''' Keyboards, programming, guitar, backing vocals
*'''[[Josh Freese]]:''' Drums
*'''[[Aaron North]]:''' Guitar, keyboards, backing vocals*'''[[Trent Reznor]]:''' Vocals, guitar, keyboards, tambourine*'''[[Jeordie White]]:''' Bass, guitar, keyboards, backing vocals 
#"[[Survivalism (song)|Survivalism]]"
#"[[Burn (song)|Burn]]"#"[[Gave Up]]"
#"[[Me, I'm Not]]"
#"[[The Great Destroyer]]"
#"[[Only (song)|Only]]"
#"[[Wish (song)|Wish]]"
#"[[The Good Soldier]]"
#"[[No, You Don't]]"
#"[[The Day The World Went Away (song)|The Day The World Went Away]]"
#"[[Dead Souls]]"
#"[[The Hand That Feeds (song)|The Hand That Feeds]]"
#"[[Head Like A Hole (song)|Head Like A Hole]]"<br>~encore~#"[[Hurt (song)|Hurt]]" 
''Add audio and video bootleg information here. Please do not direct-link to bootleg downloads.''
==External Links==
*[ ETS Tour Journal]
{{Youtube|f-oYwVwuVEE|"White guys on the beach" video at ''YouTube''}}*[ The Honolulu Advertiser review]*[ Trent Reznor interview] at The Star Bulletin.''You may also include links to concert reviews and other articles about the concert. YouTube links are welcome as long as they have been uploaded by the person who recorded the video.'' [[Category:Tour Dates]]
