
575 bytes removed ,  04:11, 3 March 2007
Found in the static Morse Code at the end of recording found at phone number [[12163331810#Transcription|1-216-333-1810]].
Corresponds with the letter "s"
Found in the ID3 tag of [[My Violent Heart|My Violent Heart.mp3]]
Another instance of this number was found from [[2432.mp3]] (24.3.2) which came with Me, I'm Not.
[[Year Zero Bible References#24.3.2 - My Violent Heart.mp3|Bible Reference]]
Found at (earliest known time stamp for this file is 2007.02.19 19:25 GMT)
[[Year Zero Bible References#24.3.3 -|Bible Reference]]
Found on [[Church of Plano|]] (earliest known time stamp for this file is 2007.02.12 21:05 GMT)
[[Year Zero Bible References#24.10.2 -|Bible Reference]]
Found on [[105th Airborne Crusaders|]] (earliest known time stamp for this file is 2007.02.13 00:36 GMT)
Found on [[Be the Hammer|]] (earliest known time stamp for this file is 2007.02.12 21:54 GMT)
[[Year Zero Bible References#24.10.7 -|Bible Reference]]
Found on [[Another Version of the Truth (website)|]] (earliest known time stamp for this file is 2007.02.12 23:16 GMT)
[[Year Zero Bible References#24.10.8 -|Bible Reference]]
Found in the Morse Code at the end of the message heard at [[13102951040#Transcription|1-310-295-1040]]
Corresponds with the letter "n"
Found by counting the bass "beats" in the song My Violent Heart (minus the beats in the bridge)
First Verse = 24
Second Verse = 15
End Of Song (Just Before "Static") = 8
Corresponds to letter "w"
(How can this be a legitamite clue? This number is insequencial, it jumps from 24.15.2 to 24.15.8, and no other song has done this. How can bass beats be counted as the numbers, this is far fetched. This isn't something like a number given, or morose code, or a spectrograph.
It's just one song counted, I think this isn't a legit clue)
From the Auto-Reply email from franciscoFrancisco@securebroadcastinformatics. com. Count the ">" symbols.
In the auto response the brackets are spread like this:
>> = 2
