
no edit summary
| length =5:55
| BPM = 108
| versions =Something I Can Never Have <br> Something I Can Never Have (''Natural Born Killers Soundtrack'') <br> Something I Can Never Have (''[[Closure]]'') <br> Something I Can Never Have (''[[Still]]'') <br> Something I Can Never Have (''[[Beside You In Time (halo)|Beside You In Time]]'') <br> Something I Can Never Have (''Bridge'' Version)
| live =[["Pretty Hate Machine" Promotional Tour]] through [[NIN 2013 Festival Tour]]<br>[[NIN + QOTSA Tour]] through [[NIN 2014 Europe/UK Tour]]
}}'''"Something I Can Never Have"''' is the fifth track on the 1989 release ''[[Pretty Hate Machine]].'' It is apparently a song about lost love and missed chances, though the true story about the song isn't widely (or at all) known. It is the first chronological song in which [[Trent Reznor]] plays a piano and in which he uses the word "fuck" ("fading fucking reminder").
*''[[Natural Born Killers Soundtrack]]''
===Bootlegs and Rarities===
*''[[Bridge School Benefit|Trent Reznor at the Bridge School of Arts]]''
After Reznor sings "just a fading fucking reminder," strange "bell-ringing" sound effects are heard in the background (which are more audible on the 5.1 surround tracks).
At the end of the second chorus, Reznor seems to be weeping.
===Something I Can Never Have (''[[Bridge School Benefit|Bridge]]'' Version)===
The second song on the album, like all the songs from this particular performance, is performed entirely with string instruments and Reznor on vocals. No synthetics were used at all during this performance, but the arrangements seem to correlate with extended live version of the song played in concert by Nine Inch Nails.
A difference from the studio version is the noticeably louder drums that are persistent in the choruses. The keyboard part is usually played by the bassist ([[Danny Lohner]] and [[Jeordie White]]). During [[Woodstock '94]] and [[Self Destruct Touring Cycle|Self Destruct]], Trent ended the song with "I can never have... and you will never, ever, ever understand... how I feel."Since [[Live: With Teeth]], the last chorus has seen an additional rising guitar screech.
Since The version from the [[Live: With TeethBridge School Benefit]], like all the songs from this particular performance, is performed entirely with string instruments and Reznor on vocals. No synthetics were used at all during this performance, but the arrangements seem to correlate with extended live version of the last chorus has seen an additional rising guitar screechsong played in concert by Nine Inch Nails.
