
no edit summary
[[Nine Inch Nails]] is due to play played in Los Angeles, California, at FYF Fest 2017 on July 23rd, 2017.
#"[[Wish (song)|Wish]]"
#"[[Less Than]]"
#"[[March Of The Pigs (song)|March Of The Pigs]]"
#"[[Copy Of A]]"
#"[[Gave Up]]"
#"[[I Can't Give Everything Away|I Can't Give Everything Away (Farewell Mix)]]"([[David Bowie]] cover)
#"[[The Lovers]]"
#"[[The Hand That Feeds (song)|The Hand That Feeds]]"
#"[[Head Like A Hole (song)|Head Like A Hole]]"
#"[[Hurt (song)|Hurt]]"
==External Links==
