
12 bytes added ,  23:44, 3 May 2021
This is the final album version. Opening with a thumping beat and a synth melody, Reznor's reverberating vocals dominate the verses. A different beat is introduced during the second verse, while vocal harmonies and a synth pad enter during the choruses. During the break, there is a short distorted guitar riff before the final verse and choruses. The end of the track comes in after the final chorus with a funky guitar riff playing over a panned drum beat. This is followed by a scream [[samples|sampled ]] from the beginning of [[Jane's Addiction]]'s "Had a Dad," which leads into an entirely different beat, sampled from "Alphabet St." by Prince. This is accompanied by a synth that sounds very similar to the one used in "[[That's What I Get]]" and vinyl scratching.
===Twist (''Purest Feeling'' Version)===
