Act Patriotic
Number: 24.11.?
Background Text: Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption by Stephen King
Discovered on 19 April 2007 by scanning the subnets used by the Year Zero sites.
The page is a yet-to-be transmitted Pilgrim page:
Pilgrim Stream 24.11 Data in transit -
Subsequent Removal
Recently, the virtual host on the machine providing "" has been removed.
As of 5.23.07, the website is back up, or at least in the Pilgrim Stream mode. On 5.24.07, the website had once again been removed, but returned soon after, only to once again go off. It seems to be continually going on and off, perhaps it is being edited.
As of 30/05/07 the site is dead - Bad Request (Invalid Hostname).