
adding running times for remixes
| length =5:55
| BPM = 108
| versions =Something I Can Never Have <br> Something I Can Never Have (''Natural Born Killers Soundtrack'') <br> Something I Can Never Have (''[[ClosureStill]]'') <br> Something I Can Never Have (''[[StillClosure]]'') <br> Something I Can Never Have (''[[Beside You In Time (halo)|Beside You In Time]]'')
| live =[["Pretty Hate Machine" Promotional Tour]] through [[NIN 2013 Festival Tour]]<br>[[NIN + QOTSA Tour]] through [[NIN 2014 Europe/UK Tour]]<br>[[I Can't Seem To Wake Up 2017]]
}}'''"Something I Can Never Have"''' is the fifth track on the 1989 release ''[[Pretty Hate Machine]].'' It is apparently a song about lost love and missed chances, though the true story about the song isn't widely (or at all) known. It is the first chronological song in which [[Trent Reznor]] plays a piano and in which he uses the word "fuck" ("fading fucking reminder").
===Something I Can Never Have (''Natural Born Killers Soundtrack'')===
'''''Running Time: 4:04'''''
An edited/remixed version of the song appearing on the soundtrack to the motion picture, ''Natural Born Killers,'' which was arranged and produced by Reznor himself. The song only contains the first verse and chorus, after which it deviates into an alternate piano section which slowly wanders to the song's end. The song also contains samples from the movie as well as several sound effects including:
* A thunderclap (at the very beginning)
Even with the extended piano part, the song is a full minute and forty seconds shorter than its album counterpart.
===Something I Can Never Have (''Closure'')===
Indicative of performances from the [[Self Destruct Tour]], this live performance video has the stage blanketed in purples and blues. The arrangement retains its album instrumentation and structure, but features additional drum parts.
===Something I Can Never Have (''Still'')===
*Second engineering: [[Leo Herrera]]
*Programming: [[Keith Hillebrandt]]
===Something I Can Never Have (''Closure'')===
Indicative of performances from the [[Self Destruct Tour]], this live performance video has the stage blanketed in purples and blues. The arrangement retains its album instrumentation and structure, but features additional drum parts.
===Something I Can Never Have (''Beside You In Time'')===
