
no edit summary
[[Nine Inch Nails]] played at the John Paul Jones Arena in Charlottesville, Virginia, on November 5, 2008as part of the [[Lights In The Sky Tour]]. [[Related_bands_and_artists#HEALTH|HEALTH]] was the opening act.
#"[[999,999]]"#"[[1,000,000]]"#"[[Letting You]]"#"[[Discipline]]"#"[[March Of The Pigs (song)|March Of The Pigs]]"#"[[Head Down]]"#"[[The Frail]]"#"[[The Wretched]]"#"[[Closer]]"#"[[Gave Up]]"#"[[Me, I''Use a numerical list for the setlist. Please do not add it until confirmed from several sources.''m Not]]"#"[[Vessel]]"#"[[1 Ghosts I]]"#"[[5 Ghosts I]]"#"[[19 Ghosts III]]"#"[[Ghosts Piggy]]"#"[[The Greater Good]]"#"[[Pinion]]"#"[[Wish (song)|Wish]]"#"[[Terrible Lie]]"#"[[Survivalism (song)|Survivalism]]"#"[[31 Ghosts IV]]"#"[[Only (song)|Only]]"#"[[The Hand That Feeds (song)|The Hand That Feeds]]"#"[[Head Like A Hole (song)|Head Like A Hole]]"#"[[Echoplex]]"#"[[The Beginning Of The End]]"#"[[God Given]]"#"[[Hurt (song)|Hurt]]"#"[[In This Twilight]]"
''You may also include links to concert reviews and other articles about the concert. YouTube links are welcome as long as they have been uploaded by the person who recorded the video.''
[[Category:Tour Dates]][[Category:Lights In The Sky Tour]]
