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[[Nine Inch Nails]] played at the Comcast Center in Mansfield, Massachusetts, on June 3, 2009as part of the [[Wave Goodbye Tour]].
*During [[Wish (song)|Wish]], '''Dan Cleary''' (Dave Navarro's guitar technician) joined the band onstage.
*Before playing "[[La Mer]]," [[Trent Reznor]] disclosed the song's origins:
:''"Can you hear me? About 10 years ago or so I locked myself away in a house on the ocean, and I tried to… I said I was trying to write some music. Some of which wound up on [[The Fragile (halo)|The Fragile]]. But what I was really doing was trying to kill myself. And the whole time I was away by myself, I managed to write one song, which is this song. So when I play it I feel pretty weird about it, because it takes me back to a pretty dark and awful time in my life. It's weird to think how different things are now: I'm still alive, I haven't died yet. And I'm afraid to go back to that place because it feels kind of haunting haunted to me, but I'm going to go back. I'm going to get married there."
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Coming SoonA recording of NIN's set from this show can be found on Mediafire and on the Demonoid torrent tracker.
==External Links==
