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This is dedicated to the memory of our friend Rodney Robertson. May you rest in peace.
==Cover Art==
The photo used for the top half of the DVD cover is taken from inside a bomb shelter that David Carson found at a home he purchased. In a 2003 TED talk[], Carson explained further:
<blockquote>"There was some bomb shelter built, apparently in the '60s Cuban missile crisis. And I asked the real estate guy what it was as we were walking by, and he goes, 'It's something to do with the sewage system.' I was, O.K.; that's fine. I finally went down there, and it was this old rusted circular thing, and two beds, and very kind of creepy and weird. And also, surprisingly, it was done in kind of a cheap metal, and it had completely rusted through, and water everywhere, and spiders. And I thought, you know, what were they thinking? You'd think maybe cement, possibly, or something. But anyway, I used this for a cover for the Nine Inch Nails DVD, and I've also now fixed the bomb shelter with duct tape, and it's ready."</blockquote>
It is probably safe to assume that the photo used for the cover of the CD and the inner cover of the DVD is also from the bomb shelter, as it appears to be a blurred image of rusted metal.
==Message From Trent==
