
<blockquote>Regarding EDIETS, there will be no video released. I made a mistake. The good news is that mistake has acted as a catalyst for me to rethink a number of decisions regarding the direction and position of the band I've made and will be making in the future. The enemies from outside and within have been identified and I am back on track.</blockquote>
[[Rob Sheridan]] commented many years later on his Instagram account[]:
<blockquote>Since I know someone will ask about this again: I never saw the discarded EDIETS music video. I was on set for the filming, the set looked cool, Trent didn’t like the way the video turned out for whatever reason, it was canned. When a musician has another artist - a director, in this case - interpret their work, it doesn’t always turn out the way the musician envisioned it, or doesn’t fit the music the way it should, or the concept on paper doesn’t translate to camera, or it was poorly executed, or the lighting is unflattering — there are a million ways it can end up not right, sometimes it’s just not right, these things happen a lot. No one will ever see it, no one needs to see it, the end.</blockquote>
Image:ninnewvideo2ry.jpg|Music Video - Behind the Scenes
