
296 bytes added ,  03:58, 30 July 2013
The album began life as a couple of tracks that were meant to be included in a forthcoming greatest hits package for [[Interscope Records]]. The sessions gave way to more songs and ended up yielding an entire album.[]
According to an interview with the ''New York Times''[], Reznor had ''[[The Downward Spiral (halo)|The Downward Spiral]]'' in mind as he worked on ''Hesitation Marks'', stating:
The incentive has changed. It's not about, 'I'm going to kill myself if I don't get this out of my head.' But the excavation and the architecture behind it, the motivation behind it, is similar."</blockquote>
The album title is a term for wounds that are sometimes made when a person is contemplating suicide by wrist cutting. Fans have speculated that this is either a reference to Reznor being not quite ready to put NIN to rest, or a reference to the fact that the album is conceptually an "upward spiral" and a reflection of the fact that Reznor did not end up killing himself when he was at his lowest point.
