
13,481 bytes added ,  06:06, 9 December 2018
Image:2004 05 06Questions1.gif| What music have you been listening to while making ''[[With_Teeth_%28halo%29#Bleedthrough|Bleedthrough?]]''Image:2004Questions2.gif| What equipment and instruments are being used on ''Bleedthough?''Image:2004 05 06Questions3.gif| Are there plans to release ''[[Closure]]'' on DVD?Image:2004 05 06Questions4.gif| [[Meathead]].Image:2004 05 06Questions5.gif| You've changed a lot since ''[[Pretty Hate Machine]]'', how will this change affect the new album?Image:2004 05 06Questions6.gif| How is your approach to this album different to the ones in the past?Image:2004 05 06Questions7.gif| i'm looking forward to playing u !Image:2004 05 06Questions8.gif| Will the new album feature the same form of sonic layering as previous albums?Image:2004 05 06Questions9.gif| What will the live show be like?Image:2004 05 06Questions10.gif| Does it feel damn good to be a gangster?
Image:2004 05 07Questions1.gif| How much of the music on ''[[Still]]'' was original music written for that release?Image:2004 05 07Questions2.gif| What is the biggest obstacle in writing new material?Image:5 07 04questions3.gif| Will the ''[[Broken Movie]]'' ever be released?Image:2004 05 07Questions4.gif| Have you ever thought about doing a [[The Spiral|fan club]] section on the website?Image:2004 05 07Questions5.gif| What do you think of the new [[Marilyn Manson (band)|Marilyn Manson]] album?Image:2004 05 07Questions6.gif| Why aren't there instrumentals on the new album?Image:2004 05 07Questions7.gif| Have you considered creating material specifically for a 5.1 channel mix?Image:2004 05 07Questions8.gif| I could use a hug.Image:2004 05 07Questions9.gif| What the connection between ''[[With_Teeth_%28halo%29#Bleedthrough|Bleedthrough'' and the ''Lathe of Heaven]]''?Image:2004 05 07Questions10.gif| Do you ever see yourself doing a small club tour again?Image:Questions11.gif| What's up with [[Nothing Records]]?Image:2004 05 07Questions12.gif| Where's [[Leo Herrera|Leo]]?Image:2004 05 07Questions13.gif| Are you looking forward to getting out there and shaking things up?
Image:Access tapeworm.gif| What's going on with [[Tapeworm]]?
Image:2004 05 10Questions1.gif| K-ROCK NYCImage:2004 05 10Questions2.gif| ''[[The Fragile (halo)| The Fragile]]''Image:2004 05 10Questions3.gif| What does a typical work day look like for you?Image:2004 05 10Questions4.gif| Noam ChomskyImage:2004 05 10Questions5.gif| Did you seek out many of the artists to work with on artwork and videos, or did they contact you?Image:2004 05 10Questions6.gif| What are your thoughts on what some people refer to as the 'home recording revolution'?Image:2004 05 10Questions7.gif| Does the minimal approach to the web site relate to your approach to the new album?Image:2004 05 10Questions8.gif| After you release an album, do you feel "cleansed" so to speak?Image:2004 05 10Questions9.gif| What inspired you to use modular synths so extensively on the new material?
Image:2004 05 12Questions1.gif| ''Bleed through'' or ''Bleedthrough''?Image:2004 05 12Questions2.gif| Do you ever doubt your relevance as an artist in the current entertainment industry?Image:2004 05 12Questions3.gif| Billy Bob ThorntonImage:2004 05 12Questions4.gif| Why did you move to LA?Image:2004 05 12Questions5.gif| Is there anything you look back at and say "jeez what was i thinking.."?Image:5 12 04questions6.gif| What's your favourite [[David Bowie]] album?Image:2004 05 12Questions7.gif| What do you do to prepare your voice?Image:2004 05 12Questions8.gif| Casio SK-1Image:2004 05 12Questions9.gif| Best live bands?Image:2004 05 12Questions10.gif| How do you plan on reinterpreting the new material on tour?Image:2004 05 12Questions11.gif| your a fag you faggot!!!
Image:2004 05 18Questions1.gif| Are expectations daunting to you?Image:2004 05 18Questions2.gif| Do you ever see music coming to exist purely in a digital form?Image:2004 05 18Questions3.gif| Do the links for Noam Chomsky and on [[]] indicate anything in terms of your lyrical direction for the new album?Image:2004 05 18Questions4.gif| Is it difficult to keep your quality standards up in an industry driven by low overheads and a general lack of care?Image:2004 05 18Questions5.gif| What are the reasons for putting "rules" on yourself for this album?Image:2004 05 18Questions6.gif| Will you continue to put out videos for mtv/mtv2 viewers?Image:2004 05 18Questions7.gif| How do you feel about legendary artists selling their songs for TV commercials?
Image:2004 05 22Questions1.gif| Will these lawsuits we've been hearing about affect the release of the new record?Image:2004 05 22Questions2.gif| What is the chance you'd consider doing a one-time live concert of ''The Fragile'' in its entirety?Image:2004 05 22Questions3.gif| Will you come to South America?Image:2004 05 22Questions4.gif| You were bitching about artists putting their songs in commercials and you have done it yourself.Image:2004 05 22Questions5.gif| Um, was that a question?Image:2004 05 22Questions6.gif| When you are working on an album, does the word load take over your life?Image:2004 05 22Questions7.gif| What is the process you go through when developing an idea for a video or stage show?Image:2004 05 22Questions8.gif| What do you do when it feels like you're being crushed from all different angles?Image:2004 05 22Questions9.gif| What are you listening to right now as you answer these questions?Image:2004 05 22Questions10.gif| When's the release date?Image:2004 05 22Questions11.gif| Were there samples from movies/songs/etc. on ''The Fragile'' and will there be any on the new album?Image:2004 05 22Questions12.gif| Is [[Leo Herrera|Leo]] really a homo?Image:2004 05 22Questions13.gif| Is it your desire to continue using constructive noise in further projects?
Image:2004 05 29Questions1.gif| Do you ever wish you could write music totally 180 from NIN under a different name?Image:2004 05 29Questions2.gif| What would you think if a chick got your signature on her ass in green ink?Image:2004 05 29Questions3.gif| I really like the vocal style on "[[Get Down Make Love]]", you've never really got back to that, why is that?Image:2004 05 29Questions4.gif| How does it feel to be one of the last remaining career artists in rock music?Image:2004 05 29Questions5.gif| Do you find it difficult to trust people?Image:2004 05 29Questions6.gif| Do you ever listen to your old work?Image:2004 05 29Questions7.gif| Do you ever hope to work with [[Flood]] again?Image:2004 05 29Questions8.gif| Did you enjoy Courtney Love's new album?Image:2004 05 29Questions9.gif| What made you start this q&a session?Image:2004 05 29Questions10.gif| MomImage:2004 05 29Questions1 002.gif| When you sit down to write songs for a new album... do you think of it as an album as a whole as you write? Image:2004 05 29Questions2 002.gif| B BlackImage:2004 05 29Questions3 002.gif| What is the connection between "[[Into The Void (song)|Into the Void]]" and "[[La Mer]]"?Image:2004 05 29Questions4 002.gif| Do you ever create material that you feel is just too personal to release?Image:2004 05 29Questions5 002.gif| Trent appreciates Urizen's kind words of advice.Image:2004 05 29Questions6 002.gif| Is there any possibility of the instrumentals from ''[[Still]]'' being played on the next tour?Image:2004 05 29Questions7 002.gif| You seem to be a private and isolated person yet you can scrape out your soul and present the results to millions of people. What gives?Image:2004 05 29Questions8 002.gif| Do you plan to continue NIN indefinitely or is there a shelf life?
Image:2004 07 13Questions1.gif| What is the state of the new record?Image:2004 07 13Questions2.gif| Any particular consoles or eq's that will define the sound of ''Bleedthrough''?Image:7 13 04questions3.gif| Why haven't you played "[[Last]]" live?Image:2004 07 13Questions4.gif| Do you intend to continue releasing halos on vinyl?Image:2004 07 13Questions5.gif| What do you think about edited (clean) versions?Image:2005 07 13Questions6.gif| Why was ''[[Still]]'' a limited edition?Image:2004 07 13Questions7.gif| Are you planning on releasing something like ''Still'' again?Image:2004 07 13Questions8.gif| How did you record the vocals on ''Still''?
Image:2004 07 21Questions1.gif| How many tracks on the new album?Image:7 21 04questions2.gif| Are you working on any recent covers?Image:2004 07 21Questions3.gif| What were you doing with Doom 3?Image:2004 07 21Questions4.gif| you cause shitty shitty fucking shitty farty smelly shitty music tro happenm!!!! goddamn you!!!!Image:2004 07 21Questions5.gif| Who designed the [[Logo History|NIN logo]] and what's the story behind its origin?Image:7 21 04questions6.gif| Will listening to "[[Into The Void (song)|Into The Void]]" whilst driving kill you?Image:2004 07 21Questions7.gif| Is it weird watching yourself perform?Image:2004 07 21Questions8.gif| Do you ever hear a new band or album and are so blown away it intimidates you?
Image:2004 10 18Questions1.gif| ''Bleedthrough'' is no more.Image:2004 10 18Questions2.gif| Tell me that you aren't leaving [[Nothing Studios]]Image:2004 10 18Questions3.gif| What do you think of Doom 3?Image:2004 10 18Questions4.gif| ''[[And All That Could Have Been (halo)|And All That Could Have Been]]''Image:2004 10 18Questions5.gif| You have a weird cat.Image:2004 10 18Questions6.gif| Will you be releasing a single prior to the album's release?Image:2004 10 18Questions7.gif| Have you seen [[Coil]]'s recent live shows?
Image:Questions1.gif| Are there any plans to re-release ''[[Pretty Hate Machine]]''?Image:2004 12 03Questions2.gif| Will you be mixing the new album in surround sound?Image:2004 1203Questions3.gif| What is your lyrical approach on ''[[With Teeth (halo)|With Teeth]]''?Image:2004 12 03Questions4.gif| How has the mixing process been with this record?Image:2004 12 03Questions5.gif| What song are you working on today?Image:2004 12 03Questions6.gif| How long and difficult is it to re-mix something into the 5.1 surround format?Image:2004 12 03Questions7.gif| What do you think is the future of the music industry?Image:2004 12 03Questions8.gif| Was "[[Now I'm Nothing]]" ever recorded in the studio?Image:2004 12 03Questions9.gif| I'd really like to hear about "[[Leaving Hope]]".Image:Questions10.gif| Would it be too much to hope for a surround version of ''[[The Fragile (halo)|The Fragile]]'' in 2009?Image:2004 12 03Questions11.gif| What software have you been using the most on ''With Teeth''.Image:2004 12 03Questions12.gif| Will you come to Australia?Image:2004 12 03Questions13.gif| Are the works on the new album more like pieces...or songs?Image:2004 12 03Questions14.gif| During the course of revisiting ''[[The Downward Spiral (halo)|The Downward Spiral]]'', was it tempting to just go through and completely rework some of the songs?
Image:2005 01 22Questions1.gif| Who is in the band and why?Image:2005 01 22Questions2.gif| Will there be more dates added to the UK tour?Image:2005 01 22Questions3.gif| Will you be debuting new songs on the tour before the album is released?Image:2005 01 22Questions4.gif| Have you considered any opening bands for the upcoming tour?Image:2005 01 22Questions5.gif| BootlegsImage:2005 01 22Questions6.gif| Satisfied CustomerImage:2005 01 22Questions7.gif| What do you think about the state of music today?Image:2005 01 22Questions8.gif| Will we get to see a new video from the new album?Image:2005 01 22Questions9.gif| Will the new album still be "monophonic" and contain no chords?Image:2005 01 22Questions10.gif| Will the production of this tour be as elaborate as the last?Image:2005 01 22Questions11.gif| Are you coming to Mexico City?Image:2005 01 22Questions12.gif| Originally you said no instrumentals on this new album. Have you stuck with that?Image:2005 01 22Questions13.gif| What's up with ''[[Closure]]''?Image:2005 01 22Questions14.gif| When will we get an exact date for the release of ''With Teeth''.Image:2005 01 22Questions15.gif| Since you write all of the music for the album, how does it work with a band when you prepare the songs to play live?
Image:2005 02 26Questions1.gif| How do you feel about [[The Hand That Feeds (song)|The Hand That Feeds]] and [[The Line Begins To Blur]] being leaked on the internet?Image:2005 02 26Questions2.gif| Is ''With Teeth'' a political album?Image:2005 02 26Questions3.gif| With the event of new music coming out, there's alot of talk and arguing that goes on over the internet between fans about the releases. Image:2005 02 26Questions4.gif| Now that ''With Teeth'' is finished do you you still feel that ''The Fragile'' is your best work?Image:2005 02 26Questions5.gif| I noticed that someone posted a question about whether or not you were ashamed of your earlier work or something along those lines.Image:2005 02 26Questions6.gif| Any chance of you and [[Mark Romanek]] getting together for a third music video for the album?Image:2005 02 26Questions7.gif| I've heard all this stuff about a deluxe edition of ''With Teeth'' being released in Japan.Image:2005 02 26Questions8.gif| I can see that "[[My Dead Friend]]" isn't on the lineup for ''With Teeth''.Image:2005 02 26Questions9.gif| What was the first song you wrote for ''With Teeth''?Image:2005 02 26Questions10.gif| What was the last song you finished on the new album?Image:2005 02 26Questions11.gif| Regarding a previous response where you stated you have been using the audio production software Ableton Live.Image:2005 02 26Questions12.gif| Ever let any "source sounds" out for the rest of us to play with?Image:2005 02 26Questions13.gif| Is that [[Dave Grohl]] drumming on "The Hand That Feeds"?Image:2005 02 26Questions14.gif| Will you document this tour much like ''Closure'' was to Self Destruct and ''AATCHB'' to Fragility?Image:2005 02 26Questions15.gif| Will there be another printing of ''Still''?Image:2005 02 26Questions16.gif| I saw that on [[A Perfect Circle]]'s ''Emotive'' CD that you helped write "[[Vacant|Passive]]."Image:2005 02 26Questions17.gif| Oh my dear Trent: I become very excited for your new album...Image:2005 02 26Questions18.gif| Big question: modular synths during the live show?
Image:2005 03 22Questions1.gif| I noticed that in the upcoming tour, the choices of venues are small.Image:2005 03 22Questions2.gif| What's going on with the video for "The Hand That Feeds"?Image:2005 03 22Questions3.gif| What's in your CD player right now?Image:2005 03 22Questions4.gif| What's the hardest thing you have to do to prepare for the tour?Image:2005 03 22Questions5.gif| From the bits and pieces I've heard, it sounds like ''"With Teeth"'' has a wide variety of music on it...Image:2005 03 22Questions6.gif| You've mentioned songs being moved to the next album...Image:2005 03 22Questions7.gif| I read that Photek is remixing "The Hand That Feeds" for you.Image:2005 03 22Questions8.gif| Who's lined up to run the lighting for this tour?Image:2005 03 22Questions9.gif| What can we expect from the packaging this time around?
Image:Questions01.gif| Why no booklet with the CD? Why have a PDF?
Image:2005 05 05Questions1.gif| Putting out the Garageband file of The Hand That Feeds has to be one of the coolest things an artist has ever done for his fans.Image:2005 05 05Questions2.gif| There are rumours that Silverchair's frontman Daniel Johns has a small singing part on your new album... Image:2005 05 05Questions3.gif| I hate to be 'personal', if you will, but I haven't drank... Image:2005 05 05Questions4.gif| Could you try and get a few tshirts made for us fat people...Image:2005 05 05Questions5.gif| The new album is made up mostly (or entirely) of songs that fall into the radio-friendly-length category.Image:2005 05 05Questions6.gif| According to you, Nothing Records/Studios are done for and finished.Image:2005 05 05Questions7.gif| You've talked about another album being released relatively soon.Image:2005 05 05Questions8.gif| In the .PDF file for the lyrics to the ''With Teeth'' album, there appears to be songs listed that do no appear on the Dual Disc CD/DVD album.Image:2005 05 05Questions9.gif| Hey Trent. I guess I'm pretty much obligated to say congratulations on all the hype lately for the new album...Image:2005 05 05Questions10.gif| I noticed last night at the show you were using the new Digidesign live technology for your sound consoles.Image:2005 05 05Questions11.gif| How does it feel to be back on tour again with the new you?Image:2005 05 05Questions12.gif| I was looking at the "current page" and on May seventh 2004 you found an old track...Image:2005 05 05Questions13.gif| What is the music that plays before the shows?Image:2005 05 05Questions14.gif| I noticed at Coachella that Alessandro is doing all kinds of different things back there...
Image:2005 07 09Questions1.gif| Will any changes be made to the UK tour because some stupid motherfuckers decided to start killing random and innocent people?Image:2005 07 09Questions2.gif| Pre-sale tickets.Image:2005 07 09Questions3.gif| [[The Spiral]]/Pre-sale.Image:2005 07 09Questions4.gif| Why is [[Saul Williams]] opening some shows for you guys?Image:2005 07 09Questions5.gif| Is there any chance of some more difficult sounding songs being played live?Image:2005 07 09Questions6.gif| Will there be a new live DVD and is it funny seeing [[Jeordie White]] perform [[Starfuckers, Inc. (song)|Starfuckers Inc.]]?Image:2005 07 09Questions7.gif| What's up with the ''[[Closure]]'' DVD?Image:2005 07 09Questions8.gif| You should get an MRI test.Image:2005 07 09Questions9.gif| Lou Barlow had some mean shit to say about you. What gives?Image:2005 07 09Questions10.gif| Will you come to Spain?Image:2005 07 09Questions11.gif| ''[[The Fragile (halo)|The Fragile]]''Image:2005 07 09Questions12.gif| How was the video for "[[The Hand That Feeds (song)|The Hand That Feeds]]" made? (response from [[Rob Sheridan]])Image:2005 07 09Questions13.gif| The only reason I'm putting this letter up is to show the world what an ignorant asshole you are.Image:2005 07 09Questions14.gif| Is everything the same sober or different, and if so, what is different?
 ==2005_07_19([[Aaron North]] & [[Jerome Dillon]])==
Image:2005 07 19Questions1.gif| What was Aaron doing behind his amp when I saw you live, and what does the red handkerchief he wears mean?Image:2005 07 19Questions2.gif| Is the reason you don't play ''[[The Perfect Drug (song)|The Perfect Drug]]'' live because Jerome Dillon's arms would fall off?Image:2005 07 19Questions3.gif| What kind of guitars does Aaron play?Image:2005 07 19Questions4.gif| Trent, are you helping with Jerome's solo project?Image:2005 07 19Questions5.gif| Aaron, what's up with the mishap at the [[A Perfect Circle]] show in Housten when you were in The Icarus Line?Image:2005 07 19Questions6.gif| Jerome, a brief synopsis of your drumming history?Image:2005 07 19Questions7.gif| That fucking Aaron North guy sucks assImage:2005 07 19Questions8.gif| What is Jerome's electronic setup?Image:2005 07 19Questions9.gif| Please give us some information about Aaron North.Image:2005 07 19Questions10.gif| I want to challenge Jerome to a drum off.Image:2005 07 19Questions11.gif| Is Jerome Dillon married or in a relationship?Image:2005 07 19Questions12.gif| I was curious if Jerome has any tips to build endurance (for drumming)?
== External links ==* {{archive||Access}}
