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[[Image:Recoiled.jpg|thumb|200px|''Recoiled''<br />[ Find on Amazon] - [ Find on eBay]]]
[[Image:Recoileddigital.jpg|thumb|200px|Digital artwork]]
'''''Recoiled''''' is a semi-official remix EP credited to [[Coil]] and [[Nine Inch Nails]]. It is the commercial and physical release of selected tracks from the ''Uncoiled'' download-only remix compilation. It was released on February 24, 2014 on Cold Spring Records and it was made available on CD, vinyl, limited edition vinyl and digital formats.
The tracks are were new remixes created by Danny Hyde, though they were falsely advertised by Hyde as being outtakes from the remix sessions for ''[[Fixed]]'', ''[[Closer To God (halo)|Closer To God]]'' and ''[[Further Down The Spiral]]''. They were created by members of Coil, along with Danny Hyde[ com/watch?v=77irenJlxs0] ''Recoiled'' omits the tracks from ''Uncoiled'' that could be viewed as redundant and also adds an extra remix that was not included on ''Uncoiled''.
==Track Listing==
*The vinyl was released in three versions: standard vinyl, limited edition brown/black splattered vinyl and a limited edition picture disc.
Description from Cold Spring Records:
<blockquote>“Recoiled” is a rambunctious alchemy, of magikal Coil sensibilities and hi-tech home circa 90’s mixing technique, all fused in the cave-like early studios of Danny Hyde / Peter Christopherson. These were the unrestrained PRE- BIG studio- mix downs, of four songs which long time Coil admirer / collaborator Trent Reznor requested Coil to remix. Reznor sent over the original multi-tracks and DATs to Hyde / Christopherson, who independently mixed versions and then met to synch both creations, molding them into these master versions. ”Recoiled” includes a fuller, more opulent version of the track ‘Closer’, which eventually made it onto the opening credits to the movie “SE7EN“. These 5 lengthy compositions are pre-Ableton / laptop generation type priest song creations, with the use of baby alarms and numerous wires to create bespoke effects. These legendary tracks were always rumoured to exist and, only the due diligence of a dedicated NIN forum who hunted them down, are released/unleashed for your listening pleasure. 4 of the tracks were released on the download-only “Uncoiled”. A bonus, previously unheard track from the same sessions closes the album. Jhonn Balance is also manifest on this gilded constellation. Beautifully remastered.[]</blockquote>
Although the above information states that the ''Recoiled'' version of "Closer" (the "Unrecalled" mix) ended up in the opening credits of [[David Fincher]]'s ''Se7en'', this statement is ambiguously worded and it was actually the later iteration of that mix (the "Precursor" mix) that was used.
*Mastered At – Hermetech Mastering
*Remastered At – The Cage Studios
The All artwork for both ''Recoiled'' and ''Uncoiled'' was created by [[Echoing The Sound]] forum member Marius Andrei Dima (aka MAD) and is meant to recall [[Russell Mills]]' artwork for ''Further Down The Spiral''.
'''''Uncoiled''''' is an unofficial download-only remix compilation made up of what were originally believed to be outtakes from the remix sessions for ''Fixed'', ''Closer To God'' and ''Further Down The Spiral''. They were created by members of Coil, along with Danny Hyde. A selection of these tracks was later semi-officially released as ''Recoiled''.
Rumors of outtakes from the outtakes original remix sessions had been circulating since 1995 and their existence was confirmed by in 2012, Hyde claimed to have multiple tracks in 2012his possession. Funds were then raised by members of the Echoing The Sound forum to acquire the tracks from Hyde and the collection was put up for free download in November 2012. It was later revealed by Hyde that he had falsely represented the provenance of the remixes, and that he had personally created them in response to being contacted by NIN fans.
===Track Listing===
The full original story from the torrent file:
<blockquote>On February 21, 1995, Stephanie Nahas posted to about meeting up with Danny Lohner, who mentioned at the time that Coil had remixed Eraser for an upcoming remix album. Sometime in the next few months, someone with reliable contacts with the Coil and NIN camps let on that several remixes were completed by Coil, but not all of them made the remix album. The Nine Inch Nails discography was updated to add the following tracks to “NIN PHANTOM SONGS”
Special thanks to Wizfan for getting the ball rolling, to David D. Yuhnke for chasing down all the other phantom NIN tracks, Marius Andrei Dima for coming up with photography in very short order, and Danny Hyde for making this possible.</blockquote>
The artwork was created by Echoing The Sound forum member Marius Andrei Dima (aka MAD) and is meant to recall Russell Mills' artwork for ''Further Down The Spiral''.
==External Links==
