
The piece I made focuses on teeth and their associative potential. A row of teeth is embedded in flows of salt crystals. Salt corrodes all but gold and glass; it is destructive as well as preservative."</blockquote>
The typeface used is DINEngschrift in lowercase (the same typeface was used on ''[[Hesitation Marks]]'' and in all caps on ''[[The Perfect Drug (halo)|The Perfect Drug]]''.)The artwork was re-photographed by [[Rob Sheridan]] for the 2004 reissue. Reflecting on the experience in 2019, he stated:<blockquote>"I was beyond honored to remaster and reimagine the packaging for ''The Downward Spiral''’s 10th anniversary deluxe edition in 2004. For the re-release, I wanted to take new photographs of the original Russell Mills art. Over the years, the artwork had changed: Textures darkened, twigs sagged, teeth fell out. Recapturing the art in its aged state became a perfect visual metaphor for something old becoming new again."</blockquote>
==Album Credits==
