
modwheelmood was interviewed by [[The NIN Hotline]] on March 1, 2008. Band member [[Alessandro Cortini]] said the following about the remix of "The Great Destroyer":
<blockquote>"Trent asked me to pick a song off ''Year Zero'' and to give it a try while we were on tour in Europe. '"The Great Destroyer' " is probably my favorite song off YZ, so I borrowed a bass and an acoustic guitar from Aaron and reconstructed the song in my hotel room in Amsterdam. I also used my Buchla 200e music box, which I love to death. I think I added a couple of tracks when I got back home, then mixed it and sent it in. To be honest, I was pleasantly surprised by the fact that TR liked it. I thought he would hate it since I changed the melody and chords around…"[]</blockquote>
====Song Credits====
