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As he turned to take the ball, a dam burst against the side of his head and a hand grenade shattered his stomach. Engulfed by nausea, he pitched toward the grass. His mouth encountered gravel, and he spat frantically, afraid that some of his teeth had been knocked out. Rising to his feet, he saw the field through drifting gauze but held on until everything settled into place, like a lens focusing, making the world sharp again, with edges."</blockquote>
*MAILSTROM[[The Mailstrom]] - Cleaver [http: CLEAVER//]
<blockquote>"I HEARTILY ACCEPT the motto, — "That government is best which governs least"; and I should like to see it acted up to more rapidly and systematically."</blockquote>
*MAILSTROM[[The Mailstrom]] - Wretched [http: WRETCHED//]
<blockquote>"He was in the land all right, well away, in orbit, and I knew what it was like, having tried it like everybody else had done, but at this time I'd got to thinking it was a cowardly sort of a beschch, O my brothers. You'd lay there after you'd drunk the old moloko..."</blockquote>
*MAILSTROM[[The Mailstrom]] - Wetwork [http: WETWORK//]
<blockquote>"Will tourists someday stare bewildered at the rusting hulks of New York’s skyscrapers, much as we stare today at the jungle-overgrown ruins of Maya cities?"</blockquote>
*CEDOCORE: HYCEPHAMITAMYN[[Cedocore]] - Hycephamitamyn[]
====The Communist Manifesto====
<blockquote>"A spectre is haunting Europe — the spectre of Communism. All the Powers of old Europe have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: Pope and Czar, Metternich and Guizot, French Radicals and German police-spies."</blockquote>
*JUDSON OGRAM[[Judson Ogram Correctional Facility]] - Moira Waag Psychological Evaluation [http: MOIRA WAAG PT//www.]
<blockquote>"There is a misty plot afoot so subtle we should be criminal to cling to old respects and ancient friendships."</blockquote>
*[[The Mailstrom]]: - Hubris []
<blockquote>"Have you ever heard the term 'hostages'? That's the latest punishment for saboteurs. It's the most horrible thing you can imagine. Leading citizens--innocent people--are taken prisoner to await their execution. If the Gestapo can't find the saboteur, they simply grab five hostages and line them up against the wall. You read the announcements of their death in the paper, where they're referred to as 'fatal accidents.' - October 9, 1942"</blockquote>
*SECURE BROADCASTS INFORMATICS[[Secure Broadcast Informatics]] []
<blockquote>"The decades - Fiyero thought, in love with her or at least so frightened for her that he could mistake it for love -- the decades looked on and didn't see her passing. They stared from their fixed mounts across at each other and didn't see the revolution striding between them, on her way to destiny."</blockquote>
*JUDSON OGRAM[[Judson Ogram Correctional Facility]] - Moira Waag Interview [http: MOIRA WAAG PT//www.]
[[Category:World of Year Zero]]
