
5 bytes added ,  03:51, 2 July 2017
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The song "Ripe" is a very moody, dark finale to ''The Fragile''. The cassette and CD versions of the song feature an additional section, "Decay". Many of the instruments sound out of tune or oddly tuned, and some of the parts seem to be incomplete. [[Trent Reznor]] spoke on this, saying that ''The Fragile'' was supposed to be a continuation of ''[[The Downward Spiral (halo)|The Downward Spiral]],'' with the protagonist going from happy to depressed on the first side (Left), then finding new hope on (Right) only to lose it again.
It is worth noting that, since the Apple Music release of ''The Fragile Instrumentals Instrumental'', as well as ''Deviations 1'', the title has lost it's its parentheses and is printed as "Ripe With Decay". It is unclear if this was intentional or an oversight.
[[Image:Ripe_synth_screen_sm.JPG|thumb|Screenshot showing synthesizer tweaks used in "Ripe"." ]]
===Song Credits===
