
Per Trent Reznor on the official Nine Inch Nails Discord Channel,
[ #nin-chat]:
<blockquote>Regarding the track w Antonio, we made friends at some film awards events we were both at years ago. I let him know his score for Birdman was undoubtably the year’s best and we stayed in touch. Over lockdown he reached out about a collaboration where I send him a single element that he builds a song around. I wrote some lyrics, Att and I had a synth arpeggio I used as an anchor and I sang whatever felt right against that static synth line, using some of the lyrics written. One take, purely instinctual.<br><br>
We sent the vocal and the synth line off to Antonio and I think I suggested not to “fix” anything - keep it pure. Several months later he sent back what you hear now. We had no idea what to expect or what direction he’d take things and it was cool to hear where he went with it - inserting chord changes, etc. Plus, I’d forgotten what I did so it was a fun listen for us. Alan Moulder got involved with the mix.</blockquote>
===Song Credits===
*Producer: Antonio Sánchez
