
59 bytes added ,  10:16, 1 October 2017
adding running times for remixes
===Zero-Sum (Instrumental)===
'''''Running Time: 6:29'''''
This unmastered vocal-less mix was released by Reznor through his [[]] account.
===Zero-Sum: Stephen Morris & Gillian Gilbert===
'''''Running Time: 5:38'''''
This remix appears on ''Y34RZ3R0R3M1X3D.'' It begins with a basic melody and beat before the vocals come in. A synth comes in over the vocals, riding over them like a wave. The melody changes as the verse transitions over to the first chorus. After the chorus, many elements drop out as it builds to the second verse. Many sound elements from the first verse returned but are now joined by a hi-hat and drum beat. After the second chorus repeats, the melody heard at the very beginning returns accompanied by the hi-hat and drum percussion. These sounds drop out at the end save for a synth beat that simply fades quickly.
====Song Credits====
*Remix by Stephen Morris & Gillian Gilbert
===Zero-Sum (''Fringe'')===
