
135 bytes added ,  05:53, 22 April 2013
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| years = 2005-2007
| tours = [[With Teeth Tour|With Teeth]]-[[Performance 2007|Year Zero]]
}}'''Aaron Wright North''' (born March 22, 1979) was recruited as part of the live band in 2005. His playing style has caused him to receive much criticism (and praise) from both [[Nine Inch Nails]] fans and music journalists. Before joining Nine Inch Nails, he was a part of the Los Angeles punk band The Icarus Line. Following his departure from NIN, North has started his own band called Jubilee. He is the main character of the web comic [[Squires Of Dimness]]. He appears in the NIN music videos for "[[The Hand That Feeds (song)|The Hand That Feeds]]" and "[[Survivalism (song)|Survivalism]]".
He was known as Aaron Icarus while he was in The Icarus Line.
