
16 bytes removed ,  05:20, 8 November 2021
Reznor [[:Image:2004_05_07Questions1.gif|stated]] on [[]] that some of the tracks on ''Still'' are evolutions of rejected themes that were originally written for [[Mark Romanek]]'s ''One Hour Photo.'' Romanek had to reject Reznor's work due to pressure from the studio, who wanted him to work with an established film composer.[]
The title may be referencing the [[Joy Division]] album of the same name, from which their song "[[Dead Souls]]" - covered by [[Nine Inch Nails]] NIN during ''[[The Downward Spiral (halo)|The Downward Spiral]]'' era - comes. The album was originally intended to be called ''Quiet''[], a name that was later reflected in ''[[The Definitive NIN - Quiet Tracks]]''.
