
18 bytes added ,  05:00, 22 December 2019
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| live = [[Performance 2007]] through [[NIN 2014 Europe/UK Tour]]<br>[[I Can't Seem To Wake Up 2017]] through present
}}'''"Survivalism"''' is the third track and the first single from the 2007 album ''[[Year Zero]].''
Survivalism is the belief that one must be prepared to survive a major catastrophe by stocking up on food and weapons. A survivalist therefore is a person who anticipates and prepares for a future disruption in local, regional or worldwide social or political order. Survivalists often prepare for this anticipated disruption by learning skills (e.g., emergency medical training), stockpiling food and water, or building structures that will help them to survive (e.g., an underground shelter).
On March 13, the source files for the song were released in GarageBand format at [[]]. "Survivalism" is the third NIN song to be officially released as source files—"[[Only (song)|Only]]" and "[[The Hand That Feeds (song)|The Hand That Feeds]]" were previously released.
*Mix: [[Alan Moulder]]
*Backing vocals: [[Saul Williams]]
==Title meaning==
Survivalism is the belief that one must be prepared to survive a major catastrophe by stocking up on food and weapons. A survivalist therefore is a person who anticipates and prepares for a future disruption in local, regional or worldwide social or political order. Survivalists often prepare for this anticipated disruption by learning skills (e.g., emergency medical training), stockpiling food and water, or building structures that will help them to survive (e.g., an underground shelter).
