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[[Image:Tfa cover.jpg|thumb|Halo 16 - ''Things Falling Apart''<br />[ Find on Amazon] - [ Find on eBay]]]
'''''Things Falling Apart''''' (also known as '''''[[Halo numbers|Halo 16]]'''''), released on November 21, 2000, is described as a collection of "various manipulations of songs recorded from ''[[The Fragile (halo)|The Fragile]]'' sessions." [[|An official website]] was set up for its release.
A two-track promotional version of ''[[Into The Void (halo)|Into The Void]]'' was released in the US and was incorrectly labeled as [[Halo numbers|Halo 16]]. All of the remixes from this album are available on [[]].
==Track Listing==
[[Image:About tfa.jpg|thumb|About the release]]
*Management: [[John A. Malm, Jr.]] for Conservative
*Publicity: Susan Celia Swan for [[NothingRecords|Nothing]]
*International: Simon Baeyertz for Nothing
*Design and photography: [[Rob Sheridan]]
