
[[Image:Tfa cover.jpg|thumb|Halo 16 - ''Things Falling Apart'']]
'''''Things Falling Apart''''' (also known as '''''[[Halo numbers|Halo 16]]''''') by [[Nine Inch Nails]], released on November 21, 2000, is described as a collection of "various manipulations of songs recorded from ''[[The Fragile (halo)|The Fragile]]'' sessions." [[|An official website]] was set up for its release.
A two-track promotional version of ''[[Into The Void (halo)|Into The Void]]'' was released in the US and was incorrectly labeled as [[Halo numbers|Halo 16]].
'''''Things Falling Apart''''' ==Track Listing==[[Image:About tfa.jpg|thumb|About the release]]===CD Release===#"[[Into The Void (also known as '''''song)#Slipping Away|Slipping Away]]" - 6:11#"[[The Great Collapse]]" - 4:42#"[Halo numbers[The Wretched#The Wretched (Version)|Halo 16The Wretched]]'''''" (Version)- 5:52#"[[Starfuckers, released in 2000Inc. (song)#Starfuckers, is described as a collection of Inc. (Version)—Adrian Sherwood|Starfuckers, Inc.]]" (Version) - 5:11#"various manipulations of songs recorded from ''[[The Fragile Frail#The Frail (haloVersion)|The FragileFrail]]" (Version) - 2:47#"[[Starfuckers, Inc. (song)#Starfuckers, Inc. (Version)—Dave "Rave" Ogilvie|Starfuckers, Inc.]]" (Version) - 6:06#"[[Where Is Everybody?#Where Is Everybody? (Version)|Where Is Everybody?]]'' sessions"(Version) - 5:07#"[[Metal]]" - 7:05#"[[10 Miles High#10 Miles High (Version)|10 Miles High]]" (Version) - 5:11#"[[Starfuckers, Inc.(song)#Starfuckers, Inc. (Version)—Charlie Clouser|Starfuckers, Inc.]]" (Version) - 5:09
A two-track promotional ===Vinyl Release===&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A1&nbsp; "Slipping Away" – 6:11<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A2&nbsp; "The Great Collapse" – 4:42<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;B1&nbsp; "The Wretched" (version) – 5:52 <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;B2&nbsp; "Starfuckers, Inc." (version of ''[[Into ) – 5:11 <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;C1&nbsp; "The Void Frail" (haloversion)|Into The Void]]'' was released in the US and incorrectly labeled as [[Halo numbers|Halo 16]]– 2:47 <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;C2&nbsp; "Starfuckers, Inc." (version) – 6:06<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;C3&nbsp; "10 Miles High" (version) – 5:11 <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;D1&nbsp; "Metal" – 7:05 <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;D2&nbsp; "Where Is Everybody?" (version) – 5:07<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;D3&nbsp; "Starfuckers, Inc." (version) – 5:09
== Track Listing Artwork==# "In a February 2020 Reddit AMA session[], [Into [Rob Sheridan]] elaborated on the process of creating the artwork and how it informed his creativity going forward: <blockquote>The first album art I was ever tasked with making was for NIN's ''Things Falling Apart.'' It was a companion album to ''The Void Fragile,'' which David Carson did the art for. Carson was a design hero of mine, so of course playing in his style was exhilarating but also very intimidating for a very young, very new designer. A lot of Carson's imagery was accidental snapshots of every day things that he'd capture with disposable cameras and polaroids, and the out-of-focus nature of them turned simple things into abstract art (songthe red texture on the cover of The Fragile is an out-of-focus snapshot of the inside of a shell, for example)|Slipping Away. To start capturing some of my own for TFA, I experimented with a macro lens for the first time, and later bought one to make imagery with. It sounds like basic art school shit now because you can get a macro lens for your phone for like $30, but it was very expensive niche equipment back then. Through that lens, and taking what I'd learned from Carson, I started to see art and texture in everything I looked at. Needing new imagery for a project and just looking around wherever I am and finding tiny details in it has never steered me wrong ever since.</blockquote> ==Album Credits=='''CD Release'''*All songs written by [[Trent Reznor]]"except 4, 6, 8, 10# "*4, 6, 10 written by Trent Reznor and [[The Wretched|The Great CollapseCharlie Clouser]]"# "*8 written by [[The WretchedGary Numan]]" (Version)<br> Manipulated by:# "*1, 2, 8 Trent Reznor and [[Starfuckers, Inc.|StarfAlan Moulder]]***ers3, Inc.9 [[Keith Hillebrandt]]" (Version)# "*4 [[The FrailAdrian Sherwood]]" (Version)for 140dBadditional production: Adrian Sherwood and Mark Stewartengineered by Alan Branch*5 Benelli# "production: [[StarfuckersJoshua Eustis]], Inc.|StarfTurk Dietrichviolin: Steve Hakelcello: Marc Paradis***ers, Inc.6 [[Dave Ogilvie]]" (Version)# "*7 [[Where Is Everybody?Danny Lohner]]" featuring Telefon Tel Avivproduction: Danny Lohner, Joshua Eustis, Charles CooperJoshua Eustis and Charles Cooper appear courtesy of Hefty Records ( "*10 Charlie Clouser<br> *Management: [[MetalJohn A. Malm, Jr.]]"for Conservative# "*Publicity: Susan Celia Swan for [[10 Miles HighNothing Records|Nothing]]" *International: Simon Baeyertz for Nothing*Design and photography: Rob Sheridan*Special thanks: Jeff Anderson and Steve Bottomley ==Promotional Trailer Credits==* Director: Bill Casanova* Assistant DP: Alex Vlacos* Producer: Chris Risner* Editor: Rob Sheridan* Format: 16mm* Broadcast version: 30 seconds* Full version (Versionweb only): 60 seconds  ==External Links==# "*[ ''Things Falling Apart'' TV spot]*[Starfuckers, Inc ''Things Falling Apart'' at nincatalog.|Starfcom]*[ ''Things Falling Apart'' at Amazon] **ers, Inc[ ''Things Falling Apart'' at eBay] {{Halo|number=16|before=[[We're In This Together (halo)|We're In This Together]]" |after=[[And All That Could Have Been (Versionhalo)|And All That Could Have Been]] and [[Still]]}}
[[Category:NIN Discography]]
