2005/09/19 Phoenix, AZ
The Nine Inch Nails live performance on September 19th, 2005 took place at the America West Arena in Phoeniz, Arizona with Queens Of The Stone Age and Autolux opening the show.
- This was the first show on the Fall Arena Tour that the band completed.
- The show marked the first performance of "Down In It" since 2000, the first full traditional performance of "Eraser" since 1995 (as it was cut short at the previous show, and the Dissonance tour version was instrumental), and the first ever performances of "Deep", "Only", "Right Where It Belongs", "Not So Pretty Now", and "Beside You In Time" as a proper song and not a pre-recorded intro.
- The next day, Trent Reznor updated the "TR" section of nin.com with the following post:
Finally, we got through the 1st show! It felt great onstage, I hope those in attendance left feeling the same way. To those planning on coming, do yourself a favor and show up early. It's well worth getting there for Autolux, and you know QOTSA are fucking awesome. 5:08pm_PST
- Alessandro Cortini: Keyboards, programming, guitar, backing vocals
- Jerome Dillon: Drums
- Aaron North: Guitar, backing vocals
- Trent Reznor: Vocals, guitar, keyboards
- Jeordie White: Bass, guitar, backing vocals
- "Pinion"
- "Love Is Not Enough"
- "Wish"
- "Terrible Lie"
- "The Line Begins To Blur"
- "March Of The Pigs"
- "The Frail"
- "The Wretched"
- "Closer"
- "Burn"
- "Gave Up"
- "Eraser"
- "Right Where It Belongs"
- "Beside You In Time"
- "You Know What You Are?"
- "Sin"
- "Only"
- "Not So Pretty Now"
- "Deep"
- "Down In It"
- "Hurt"
- "The Hand That Feeds"
- "Starfuckers, Inc."
- "Head Like A Hole"
A live bootleg can be found at Ninlive.com.