
no edit summary
 [[Nine Inch Nails]] played at the VENUE Pimlico Race Track in CITYBaltimore, COUNTRY/STATEMaryland, on DATEAugust 10, 2008, as part of the Virgin Mobile Fest. This date was part of the [[Lights In The Sky Tour]]. [[Related_bands_and_artists#Crystal_Castles|Crystal Castles]] was the opening act.
''Add interesting things After playing "[[Hurt (song)|Hurt]]," [[Trent Reznor]] announced that happened the next song ("[[In This Twilight]]") would be their last for the night and memorable quotes herethen said, "when we're done, please go watch Kanye [West]. I feel sorry for him."''
*'''[[Josh Freese]]:''' Drums
*'''[[Justin Meldal-Johnsen]]:''' Bass, guitar, keyboards, backing vocals
*'''[[Trent Reznor]]:''' Vocals, guitar, keyboards ''Please note that the tour lineup has varied over the years and will need to be adjusted as such. Also, please keep the names in alphabetical order by last name and indicate everything they did in that concert.''
''Use a numerical list for # "[[999,999]]"# "[[1,000,000]]"# "[[Letting You]]"# "[[Discipline]]"# "[[March of the setlist. Please do not add it until confirmed from several sources.''Pigs (song)|March Of The Pigs]]"# "[[The Frail]]"# "[[Closer]]"# "[[Gave Up]]"# "[[The Warning (Year Zero song)|The Warning]]"# "[[Vessel]]"# "[[1 Ghosts I]]"# "[[25 Ghosts III]]"# "[[19 Ghosts III]]"# "[[Piggy]]"# "[[The Greater Good]]"# "[[Pinion]]"# "[[Wish (song)|Wish]]"# "[[Terrible Lie]]"# "[[Survivalism (song)|Survivalism]]"# "[[The Big Come Down]]"# "[[31 Ghosts IV]]"# "[[Only (song)|Only]]"# "[[The Hand That Feeds (song)|The Hand That Feeds]]"# "[[Head Like A Hole (song)|Head Like A Hole]]"# "[[Echoplex]]"# "[[Hurt (song)|Hurt]]"# "In This Twilight"
''Add audio and video bootleg information hereA Live recording is on Ninlive. Please do not direct-link to bootleg downloadscom in a .flac format.''
==External Links==
*[ ETS Tour Journal]
''You may also include links to concert reviews and other articles about the concert. YouTube links are welcome as long as they have been uploaded by the person who recorded the video.''
[[Category:Tour Dates]]
[[Category:Lights In The Sky Tour]]
